DNA Testing

The Canadian Charolais Association has decided to convert from micro-satellite (STR) to single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) technology for all of our DNA samples. Many breeds in the industry have or are in the process of converting technologies. The CCA will continue to retain our successful partnership with Mérieux NutriSciences (Formerly known as Bureau Veritas), a leader in the provision of analytical DNA and parentage verification.

The impact to the breeder will be minimal; hair samples will still be submitted to Mérieux NutriSciences (Formerly known as Bureau Veritas) and at no change in cost. When obtaining a hair sample, please ensure that you have approximately 60-80 hairs to submit to the lab. See instructions for more specific details.

Parentage verification will be completed using a panel of 111 SNP markers that include all 100 of the globally ISAG recommended core markers.

The CCA will be building an initial training population through the efforts of both the CCA and the American International Charolais Association.   Once we have established a training population specific to our Charolais herd we can apply this information and work towards a genomically enhanced EPD. Genomically enhanced EPDs will ultimately increase the accuracies on young animals with no or few progenies.

Tests Available 

Test Types | Rate (Please add applicable taxes )

  • 100k (Includes the parentage) | $52.00
  • Progressive Ataxia (Requires a 100k test to be completed as well) | $12.00
  • Homo Polled (If ordered at the same time as the 100k test) | $12.00
  • Homo Polled (Standalone test) | $33.00
  • Leptin (If ordered at the same time as the 100k test) | $18.00
  • Leptin (Standalone test) | $23.00

Please contact Lois Chivilo (lchivilo@charolais.com)  for more information regarding any DNA Testing.


  • Walking sires must have DNA on file
  • ALL AI sires, including semen from on-farm collection must be Parent Verified (Sire AND Dam)
  • ALL Full French animals (male and female) must be Parent Verified
  • Embryo Transfer calves must be Parent Verified
  • Donor Dams must have DNA on file
View SNP DNA Instructions
View Ordering Tests
View Sample CollectionThe CCA accepts hair samples or tissue sampling units (TSU) samples.
Click Here for more information.
Understanding ResultsParentage Results: PV (parent verified), SV (sire verified), DV (dam verified).